Why HVAC Professionals Should Do AC Installation and Repairs

Due to the continuous advancement in technology, the HVAC industry has also joined the bandwagon in creating high-end cooling and heating systems that make any office or home feel comfortable.

With that said, buying a new AC system is a great investment. While there are a lot of DIY installations and repairs that people do nowadays, professionals should handle the installation of your new AC system to ensure its optimal performance.

You’ll probably think there are a lot of online manuals and tutorials that can teach you how to do the installation correctly. Why should you pay for more when you have invested so much already in your new AC?

In this article, we will share some of the reasons why it is best for HVAC professionals to handle AC installation and repairs. Let’s get started!

Prevent High Increase in Utility Expenses

HVAC professionals can offer you cost and energy-efficient solutions when installing a new AC system in your home. 

Some of the most common and effective techniques they can apply include proper sealing of all air leaks and ensuring each room is adequately insulated. These main factors will help reduce your monthly energy consumption.

Improves Equipment Security

Hiring HVAC professionals can ensure the safety of your equipment and your family. AC installation requires using specific tools to help you in the right placement and installation of your AC system.

Without the proper tools, you will have a hard time installing your equipment, which can lead to accidents. If you lack the proper tools, you will have difficulty getting your AC repaired as well.

Provide Quality Service Due to Experience

An AC installation and repair is not a simple task. For your AC system to run optimally all year long, it will require regular servicing and repairs. 

Hiring someone with experience will make all the difference in the quality of the service you will receive. A good HVAC professional knows how to perform AC installation and repairs efficiently so that they can save you time and money.

Common Causes of AC Failure

A lot of homeowners who choose to install their AC unit themselves have contributed to the problem by doing an improper installation of their AC system. Other than this, there are some other common causes why your AC fails to operate and function properly.

Frozen Evaporator Coil

When your AC system becomes too cold, it can lead to the freezing of the evaporator coil. When this happens, your AC system cannot adequately cool your home.

If you lack the proper tools, you can either risk doing it on your own or hire a professional to do the job for you.

Leaking Refrigerant

When the refrigerant evaporates, it creates a partial vacuum that helps cool the air. If it leaks, a pressure change will occur, and your AC system will stop working.

Lack of Maintenance

Maintain your AC system, especially when there are outdoor problems, such as high winds and heavy rain. These kinds of weather conditions can cause an issue for your AC system.

Poor Circuit Breaker

The circuit breaker can trip because of incorrect wiring. It can also be tripped due to the abnormalities in the AC unit.

You need a technician with experience to install your AC system properly. This is why it is best to hire a professional to install your AC system correctly.


An AC system can be a great investment, but it is also very important to maintain it to maximize your money by making sure it is in good working condition all year long. Hiring an HVAC professional can also aid you in getting the most out of your AC’s energy efficiency and helping you save money in the long run.

Stiles Services is an AC company in Athens, GA, that offers heating, cooling, and plumbing services. Let us take care of installing and repairing your AC system in your home.

Contact us today to get started!

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